Monday, 20 July 2009

New Evolution build, still no mobile sync

My hunch anout Evolution recurring appointment bug being the problem seems incorrect. Opened Evolution today, it has been updated to 2.6.3 which fixes that bug.

Tested and indeed I can now create recurring appointments without a crash, but it hasn't sorted my mobile phone sync issues. Back to the drawing board :(

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Battling with syncing

Time has come to try to figure out synchronising my mobile with my Fedora desktop calendar program.

For no reason other than it's the default in Fedora, I'm using Evolution as my local calendar program. I have a Nokia N85 and a Google calendar.

Somehow I want to get them all talking/synchronised with each other.

Using open sync and some other stuff ( I successfully got my N85 talking nicely to my FC11 64bit machine, even managed to do a sync of calendar. Once.

More recently I have been consistently getting an error on running the sync tool (see page linked above) rather than a successful sync. Started playing with google calendar, that has a similar but not identical error which makes me think something might have been confused (corrupted) with Evolution.

More so as when I tried to modify a new appointment in Evolution to be weekly with no end date Evolution crashed. And continued to every time I tried to modify that event to be repeating.

Which leads me to think that maybe the sync error is actually evolution getting confused by appoinments in my phone that repeat indefinately. Though that wouldn't fit with not being able to sync with Google unless the Evolution state is so messed up it can't transmit it's data because it got busted on that original (apparently successful) sync.

Seems this bug in Evolution with repeating appts is known and should be fixed in next minor release.... 2.26.3 (I'm on 2.26.2 now). So it's a matter of wait and see now to see if that new version sorts it once it hits the Fedora repositories.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

N85 sync with evolution...success :)

Finally got round to looking into getting my Nokia N85 to synchronise its data with my (Fedora) Linux PCs.

After much scrabbling about and fighting with it, it seems to be working now for both my Calendar and my contacts, syncing between the phone and the Evolution Outlook-a-like program.

I've put some notes on the hows and and whys on my personal website:

Hopefully those notes will prove useful both to me when I get round to doing same to my home machine, but as it runs a slightly different version of Fedora (32 bit FC10) to the machine I've just got work (FC11 64bit) it may be a little more involved!